Frequently asked question
How to register for an appointment
It is necessary to register in advance for an appointment at iDent Dental Clinic.
Online booking
Convenient way to register for the appointment and view your bookings.
Authentication with an ID card or Mobile ID is necessary for booking online.
Booking via telephone
It is also possible to register by calling the numbers of our clinic during opening hours.
Mon–Wed 9.00–18.00 / Thu, Fri 9.00–17.00
Tel.: +372 6266888
Mobile: +372 53066888
Booking cancellation and no-shows
In the event that you cannot come to the appointment at the agreed time, we ask that you cancel your booking at least 24 hours beforehand by:
- calling +372 62 66 888 during opening hours; or
- e-mailing
In the case of a no-show, the clinic has the right to present the invoice to the patient according to the clinic’s pricelist.
First visit
At the first visit, our dentist will check the condition of the oral cavity and teeth, which will help to discover and prevent bigger problems.
During the consultation, the dentist performs a review of the patient’s teeth, a photo analysis and an X-ray investigation and prepares a treatment plan.
Dentistry services covered by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund.
Children’s dental care
The Estonian Health Insurance Fund will pay for the treatment of patients below 19 years of age who are Estonian citizens. In addition, the Health Insurance Fund will cover treatment costs during the year after a patient turns 19 years old if the need for treatment was discovered at the last visit before the patient turned 19.
Emergency care
Adults have the right to receive emergency dental care if postponing the treatment or not performing the treatment could cause death or permanent health damage. The need for emergency care will be decided by the doctor. If the person has European health insurance, the Estonian Health Insurance Fund will cover the cost. Emergency care of non-insured people will be covered from the state budget via Ministry of Social Affairs.
Adult dental care
The Estonian Health Insurance Fund reimburses dentistry services of adult patients to the extent of 40 euros per year. Reimbursement for people with an increased need for dental care is 85 euros per year. The patient must pay at least 50% of the cost.
Reimbursement will be available for:
- adults with Estonian health insurance (40 euros per year);
- pregnant women and mothers of children below 1 year of age (85 euros per year);
- people with partial or full incapacity for work (85 euros per year);
- people above 63 years of age (85 euros per year);
- people with increased need for dental care (85 euros per year).
Detailed information on the conditions for reimbursement is available on the Estonian Health Insurance Fund website.
Denture benefit
The denture benefit can be used within three years in the amount of 260 euros. More information on the conditions for reimbursement is available on the Estonian Health Insurance Fund website.
Compulsory Liability Insurance of Health Care Providers
Insurer: PZU Kindlustus (AB „Lietuvos draudimas“ Estonia branch)
Period of insurance cover: 1.11.2024-30.10.2025
Sum insured:
3 000 000 € per insurance period
300 000 € per insured event
100 000 € per entitled person
Sum insured of non-pecuniary harm:
100 000 € per insured event
30 000 € per entitled person
Submission of claim for harm: contact of the medical service itself or Self Service of PZU Kindlustus
In order to file a claim, please fill in the form in the Self Service of PZU Kindlustus and the insurer will contact you.
Reminder for patients after tooth extraction or surgery:
- Sterile gauze pad will be applied to the wound for 10-15 minutes after the surgery or tooth extraction, which helps stop the bleeding and form a blood clot.
- An ice pack will be placed on the face after surgery to prevent swelling and help stop the bleeding.
- Significant physical strain should be avoided for 1-2 days.
- Eating is prohibited for a couple of hours, hot food and drinks should be avoided on the same day and it is recommended to eat softer foods for a few days.
- Smokers should abstain from smoking for few days since smoking prevents the formation of blood clots and healing of the wound.
- It is not recommended to rinse the mouth as this could wash out the protecting blood clot. Rinsing of the wound with mouthwash containing chlorhexidine is recommended only from the second day after the surgery or tooth extraction.
- There may be wound pain after the anaesthesia wears off. Painkillers can be taken, if necessary, but not on an empty stomach. Aspirin should be avoided as this thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.
- Do not apply wet or warm bandages as these cause swelling.
- Swelling may occur, which is usually most prominent on the second or third day after surgery.
Rules for the management of the treatment queue
In accordance with Decree No. 46 (21.08.2008) of the Minister of Social Affairs
“Requirements for the availability of healthcare services and handling of treatment queue”,
- The dental clinic handles the treatment queue using treatment management program Hammas.
- A written complaint can be also sent to the address Lai 10, Pärnu, or handed over to the administrator.
- The dental clinic handles the treatment queue using treatment management program Hammas.
- Patient will be entered into the treatment queue by the clinic’s administrator or treating doctor (based on the doctor’s work schedule).
- The following patient data will be recorded in the program Hammas:
– Name and surname
– Personal identification code
– Contact data
– Planned visit time
– Indication of planned healthcare service
– Date of registering patient in treatment queue
– Time and reason for making changes in treatment queue - The patient will receive a written notice including the visit time, doctor’s name and contact data after registering in the clinic.
- Two days before the scheduled visit, the information system will send an automatic reminder via SMS to those patients who have provided their valid mobile number and have opted for SMS notification.
- Emergency care will be offered outside of the treatment queue, if possible. If this is not possible, the patients will be provided necessary instructions on where to turn for emergency care.
- The same conditions will be followed when registering patients for the healthcare services funded by the Health Insurance Fund.
Order for resolution of complaints
- All clients of the institution and their legal representatives, cooperation partners and visitors have the right to submit suggestions and complaints.
- Complaints can be only presented in written format and should include the complainant’s name, the circumstances which are the basis for the complaint, the claim and the request and method for feedback along with contact data.
- A written complaint can be also sent to the address Lai 10, Pärnu, or handed over to the administrator. An oral complaint can be submitted directly to the specialist, provided that a written answer is not expected and the problem can be resolved instantly and does not need further handling.
- Anonymous complaints will be not processed.
- All written suggestions and complaints will be answered within a reasonable time but no later than after 30 days (in a suitable way presented in the application).
- Written suggestions and complaints will be handled by a Member of Board or a person appointed by them.
Complaints can be submitted to:
iDent Dental Clinic
Staadioni 1, 10132 Tallinn
Telephone: +372 62 66 888
Estonian Health Insurance Fund
Telephone: +372 669 6630
Health Board
Telephone: +372 694 3500